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Directory — Dean of Faculty

Faculty / Staff
Kyle Biss
Executive Assistant to the VP for Academic Affairs
Amanda Hagood
Animal Studies Instructor
Kaitlyn Hamill '18
Accessibility Coordinator
Jacqueline MacNeil
Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness
Bill Mathews
Associate Director of Athletics
Amy Mullarkey
Director of Accessibility
Aaron Nadell
Senior Analyst
Laura Novotny
Dir of IR & Co-Curric
Ronald Porter '05
Director of Service Learning
Kat Robinson
Assistant Dean of Faculty
Anna Ruth
Director of Grant Development and Research Support
Margie Sanfilippo
Associate Dean of Faculty and Executive Director, Center for Academic Excellence
Margret Skaftadottir
Assistant Dean of Faculty and Coordinator of Academic Coaching
Mackenzie Strobing
Accessibility Support Specialist
Feng Sun
Director of Instructional Technology
Jessica Thonen
Associate Dean of Faculty and Professor of Theatre
Christine Wooley
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty
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